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How to Choose VFFS Packaging Machine?

The vffs machine has become an increasingly important machinery during food industry. It can not only increase the productivity, but also decrease the labor cost and minimize the product giveawa.

Also it is big investment for customer buying the packaging machine,Therefore it is very important to pick a fitable vffs machine at the very beginning.

What is vffs packaging machine?

Vertical form fill seal (VFFS) is a way of packing where the bag is formed during the filling process.

The step-by-step process – How does VFFS actually work? (A Guide to Vertical Form Fill Seal (Vertical Bagging)) Image
  1. Loading the appropriate film roll
  2. The film winds through some rollers and will be shaped into a tube
  3. The tube is closed at the bottom by clamps creating the bottom of the bag
  4. The material will be dropped into the half formed bag
  5. The bag is sealed at the top
  6. This seal forms the bottom of the next bag
  7. The bottom seal is cut in the middle separating the bag from the next one

And this is a common shape that the bag will end up in:

What is it? (A Guide to Vertical Form Fill Seal (Vertical Bagging)) Image

What are the vffs packaging machine advantages

VFFS is a flexible, fast way to get a loose, dry product into air-tight, partially controlled packaging. These are called free-flowing products. VFFS can be used to store your food or products according to the materials used in the bags and laminating. VFFS can be used to make small packages and put them in large packages, such as a small bag of salt in a potato chip package. This type of packaging can also be combined with so-called gas rinsing, which helps keep your raw materials for longer.

What to consider when buying a vffs packaging machine

1.Available Space

How will the new VFFS machine suitable in your plant? If your ceiling height is enough? Where will you position it?Can it be easily accessed? Is there space for your worker to take product in? How & from where will workers engage with the machine?

It’s important to study your plant space availability and do some work floor planning before buying the VFFS machine .

2. Features

VFFS packaging machines variable for different models and each of them giving different features. While their main purpose remains the same, their efficiency, output, footprint, etc. varies. Also, there are different levels of automation so depending on your production and your manpower; you can purchase a machine as per your actual production requirement. 

3. More SKUs

Many suppliers are now offering variable products and SKUs as a way to meet more customer demand — one that increasingly is looking to better connect with their machine as the first choice.

While this increase in SKUs means shorter production runs, companies are packaging a larger, more diverse product offering with different bag sizes and different weights than ever before.

To accommodate this flexibility, vffs packaging machine can many changeovers in a single shift. To maintain production, changeovers need to be easy to complete in a matter of minutes and performed by the operators working that line. Effective changeovers allow operators to access the pre-loaded recipe for the next production run via the bagger’s touchscreen controls, and the machine does the rest. This cuts down on the engagement operators have with the bagger.

4. Easy operation

A well-designed packaging machine needs to be easy to operate. As many of the operator who operate packaging equipment are not expert on this,

With little to no on-the-job experience operating packaging machines, and at most, have a base-level understanding of the machinery. They also may be in charge of operating several other packaging machines on neighboring lines, such as scales and conveyors, which shifts their attention to other duties.

The need for easy operation is a must, and it starts with the touchscreen control panel, providing only the information the operator needs.

A larger processing facility may have packaging lines with up to 12 different touchscreens for operators to monitor. However, if some of the equipment is sourced from various suppliers, those screens will be different. The fit, form and function of a bagger’s touchscreen should really be designed with the operator in mind.

Engineers design form fill seal machines, but it’s important to not design them for engineers, you need to keep the end user operator in mind.   

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